Main Page

From Timescape Wiki
While this wiki is in its infancy. Editing is currently locked down to approved writers only while we work on fleshing out our various policies, templates, and build up solid examples for future public editors. If you're interested in assisting during this phase of development, reach out on the MCDM Discord in the Timescape channel.

Welcome to the Timescape setting community wiki!

Here you can learn all about MCDM Productions's setting, the Timescape. Sometimes referred to as "the Timescape and Orden", despite the fact Orden is a location within the Timescape.

The wiki currently has 27 pages, useful for directors and players alike. Maybe you're interested in running a game set in Vasloria, curious about what the Caelian Empire is and why everyone speaks their language, or simply want to know what the heck a memonek is. Poke around and learn something new!

This wiki does not include information regarding the adjacent setting of Matthew Colville's Ratcatchers novels. Nor does it cover MCDM Productions itself or their Actual Plays. See Canon for more information.