Order of Desolation

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The Order of Desolation

Millennia ago[as of when?], the rulers of Hell created the Order of Desolation - knights sworn to serve Hell first, their patron archdevil second. Agents capable of acting independently across the Timescape.

Every illrigger, regardless of which archdevil they served, were comrades of each other. The order stood above the petty political squabbles dividing the Seven Cities.[1]


Also known as Knights of Desecration, Desolates or Illriggers.

Diabolic Contracts

In order to be truly accepted into the Order of Desolation, an illrigger must swear an oath to a specific ruler of Hell, by signing a contract in blood. This contract binds the knight to the Order of Desolation, adding their name to the List of Hell.[4] Many knights signed contracts with many archdevils throughout history, however

  1. Matthew Colville, et al. The Illrigger. (MCDM Productions), pp. 9.
  2. Matthew Colville, et al. The Illrigger. (MCDM Productions).
  3. Matthew Colville, et al. Strongholds & Followers. (MCDM Productions), pp. 96, 97.
  4. Matthew Colville, et al. The Illrigger. (MCDM Productions), pp. 15.