Timescape Wiki:Canon

From Timescape Wiki
Revision as of 08:45, 16 August 2024 by ReallyOkeyFruit (talk | contribs) (Typo)
This page is in flux, and is subject to change as our policies are more strictly defined.

The Canon policy defines what lore and sources are allowed on the Timescape Wiki, and how to resolve contradictions between them. "Canon" is the term given to a piece of information that establishes its status as an official part of the Timescape fictional universe.


Despite fact checking and documentation at MCDM Productions, discrepancies in the canon exist. This is the nature of fictional universes. As such, in order to maintain some cohesiveness in this wiki, we have defined a hierarchy to help guide what information is more "true" than others.


The wiki uses a hierarchy to determine which source is preferred when there are contradictions. See Help:Citing sources for more information on how to reference a given source.

Generally, the hierarchy is:

  1. MCDM Productions published material (sourcebooks, adventures)
  2. MCDM Productions online posts (Patreon)
  3. Online posts from MCDM staff
  4. Livestreams & videos


If two sources contradict one another, the more recently published should be considered preferable.

Common Sense

These are simply guidelines and common sense is also valued when making decisions about what is canon or not.

Searching for Information and the Modern Timescape

Given the Timescape has existed online for decades, there's a natural desire to search for information about it in places Matt used to discuss it (RPG Forums, Obsidian Portal, Squaremans). These sources are unreliable and reflect an older incarnation of the Timescape than this Wiki covers. Do not go searching for them. Sources for this wiki should only include things published since MCDM Productions founding.