The Caelian Empire was a human civilization that ruled five of the regions of Orden three thousand years before the Age of Chaos.


Capital was founded by the Caelian emperors, and was the seat of power until the empire's collapse.[1]


During the Age of Heroes, the Calian Empire began its conquest. Leveraging three of the Helltrooper mercenary companies, the empire expanded its reach into Vasloria, Khoursir, and Khemhara.

In Heroes 228, the Chain of Acheron defeated Count Rhodar von Glauer while in service to Gaius VIII.[2]

When the crusades reached Vanigar they ground to a halt. The Caelian Navy spent ten years attempting to make headway against raging storms summoned by the Codex Tempestatus to no effect. Every fleet sent to fight the Vanir sunk, eventually causing the crusades to end.[3]

Fall of the Empire

Thirteen thousand years before the Age of Chaos, the Caelian Empire fell.

Lasting Impacts

Due to its near global domination at the height of its power, Caelian was learned by nearly all humans and other cultures who interacted with the empire. It wasn't until thirteen hundred years after the fall of the empire that Caelian began to diminish in favor of regional languages, though it was still the most common second language.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Matthew Colville, et al. Draw Steel Rules for Patreon Packet July 2024 (PDF). (Patreon). Retrieved on 2024-07-29.
  2. Matthew Colville, et al. Flee, Mortals!. (MCDM Productions).
  3. Matthew Colville, et al. Kingdoms & Warfare. (MCDM Productions).