Phaedros, or The Commonwealth of Phaedros, was a region of Orden situated on a peninsula south of Rioja. The climate was warm and temperate year-round and the land was rich with resources. Because only a narrow land-bridge connected the peninsula with the rest of the continent, the Commonwealth was easily defended and enjoyed hundreds of years of freedom from wars and foreign invaders.

Phaedros's Guardian Titan was the Phoenix.[1]


The region of origin of the Caelian Empire.


Phaedrans were typically swarthy, with dark brown skin and thick black hair. They dressed in sandals and simple white robes, often decorated with gold, in the style of the Moon elves who once called the area home. The buildings and culture of the Moon elves, though largely ruined, were in some places still well-preserved and the men of the Commonwealth actively sought to adopt the manners and culture of the Lunar Celestials, who they believed to be superior in learning and society to Men.[citation needed]

Notable Phaedrans


Philosophies were scientific models and personal belief systems. Peasants eschewed philosophy, but most city dwellers and educated folk adhered to one of the Six Schools.[citation needed]

  • Stoicism - Virtue through strength of will.
  • Cynicism - Balance with Nature, Self-sufficiency.
  • Materialism - Only this world is real. Death is the end of the body and the soul.
  • Idealism - This world is a shadow of the world of ideals.
  • Scepticism - Knowledge is illusory, nothing is ultimately knowable.
  • Mysticism - Reality can only be known by participating in its contradictions.


  1. Matthew Colville, et al. Flee, Mortals!. (MCDM Productions), pp. 235.
  2. Matthew Colville, et al. Flee, Mortals!. (MCDM Productions), pp. 274.