Polders were the most numerous and diverse ancestry in Orden, after humans. Reputed as excellent spies and thieves, but polders could be found in almost every profession, especially in cities. [1]



Polders had the capability of becoming one with a shadow. This ability elevated their reputation as spies and thieves in Orden. [1]


Polders viewed their reputation as sneaky criminals as mostly defamation, pointing out that they themselves were also famed chefs. [1]

Notable polders

Cultural groups

Polders did not have cultures of their own and lived mostly in and amongst humans. Sharing their gods and languages. [1]


Dominant language spoken by polders in Vasloria is Vaslorian followed by Khoursirian [3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Matthew Colville, et al. Draw Steel Rules, December 2024 Patreon Packet (PDF). (Patreon), pp. 33-34. Retrieved on 2024-12-21.
  2. Matthew Colville, et al. Flee, Mortals!. (MCDM Productions), pp. 373.
  3. Matthew Colville, et al. Draw Steel Rules, December 2024 Patreon Packet (PDF). (Patreon), pp. 39. Retrieved on 2024-12-21.