Abyssal Waste

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The Abyssal Waste, or Abyssal Wasteland, was the lowest-energy manifold. Filled with ruined cities, it was a dead desert world under a giant orange sun [1] where entropy prevailed, and even a capable mind could not form thoughts more complex than base emotion and survival instinct.[2]


Demons were the Abyssal Waste's native inhabitants. Each a unique arrangement of claws, teeth, and organs, demons scrambled over one another as they fought over souls. Their base state was mindlessness, called Lethe, but with enough souls consumed, a demon could gain sapience, memory, and identity. [1]

People from the Abyssal Waste

Khorsekef the Infinite, also known as the Ultralich, ruled the Abyssal Waste from the Necropolitan Ruin at the exact center of the plane. He commanded the Court of Decay.[3]


Necropolitan Ruin - The Last City, the Necropolitan Ruin lay at the center of the plane and was ruled by Khorsekef the Infinite.


  1. 1.0 1.1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/orden-timescape-107021132
  2. Matthew Colville, et al. Kingdoms & Warfare. (MCDM Productions), pp. 171.
  3. Matthew Colville, et al. Kingdoms & Warfare. (MCDM Productions), pp. 169.